Monday, November 7, 2011

It's a Girl!

We invited Mom, Mike & Debbie to come down for the 18 week ultrasound to find out what we were having.  It was special to all find out at the same time!  It took quite awhile for the news to sink in...not sure I believed the doctor the first several times he told us.  I kept asking, "are you sure?" and he kept pointing out again & again that she was a girl!  I didn't have any idea going into the appointment so I was totally surprised.  Bert says he had a feeling it was going to be a girl.
Decided sort of last minute to have a Reveal Party since I had been hearing so much about them.  Found several ideas from other parties and blogs that Kristi and I were able to pull together.  She came over Thursday morning and we made a boy & girl cake so we would be prepared either way.
Katy & Hannah playing with the pumpkins.
Everyone voted as they came in...Lindsey voted Boy & Bailey voted Girl
Kristi, Katy & Alex voting
Kristi & I in front of our cakes.  We thought they turned out great, especially for our first try at fondant icing!
Lindsey was hoping for a boy to play with Parker but was very excited when she found out girl!
Staci had guessed boy but said she normally always guessing wrong for anyone but herself...and her streak continued!
Me & the Mom's (who had both guessed girl)
Kristi is also pregnant and 2 weeks further along than me!  She's having a boy!  Very excited that the two will be born so close!
Saw this idea on another blog and thought it was too cute!

Cutting the cake to reveal Girl!  After the initial cutting of the pink cake, we cut both cakes and everyone chose which color they wanted.
Bailey & Katy playing in the streamers

The kids were having a great time...building a fort in the chair.

Team Girl
Team Boy...Bert decided he would be in the boy picture since I was in the girl picture.
Here's the whole group!  It was a such a fun night to be able to tell all of our close friends at the same time!  I would definitely recommend it!

Here's the proof...she was being very cooperative!  I wasn't so sure what we were seeing but since the ultrasound a friend has shown me her picture of a boy and it's much clearer to me now.

Here's a straight on view of her face & stomach.  We are really looking forward to our 4D ultrasound in a week & half!

1 comment:

  1. Yaaaayyy! So excited you started a blog! I tried to comment yesterday but it wouldn't go through! I am expecting lots of pictures of our sweet niece when she gets here. (;
